
Most people's overly-busy minds—chronically burdened with worry, stress and countless "to do" lists—need a compelling way to let go into active relaxation—allowing the whole person to return to optimum balance and well-being. 

AcuShén℠ is a powerful and effective way to transform your stress-habits into health habits and achieve your wellness goals easily and gracefully.

Up to twelve participants form each AcuShén group, and together they share a renewing and restorative wellness treatment in a welcoming and friendly community atmosphere.

The AcuShén treatment experience includes both gentle acupuncture and guided imagery meditation set to soothing and tranquil ambient music.


Group acupuncture gracefully roots the mentally and emotionally restorative effects of group meditation within the physical body. Stimulation of specific acupuncture points during a guided imagery session also assists each person in accessing subtle yet profound energy centers—allowing each individual to benefit from his/her own personal reserves of calming innate contentment.

AcuShén is an effective integrative therapy that can help change your mind to heal your body—resulting in rapid health and wellness transformation.

What is Shén? >

Happiness is Healthy. Create your peace of mind today!