How is AcuShén℠ different than other integrative wellness treatments?


AcuShén℠ is a dynamic form of guided imagery meditation synchronously complemented by acupuncture treatment in a supportive group setting. It is a revolutionary wellness treatment that is more than just a buzz-word—AcuShén is truly integrative medicine.

By addressing both the mind and the body simultaneously via guided imagery and acupuncture within a powerful support group, participants are easily able to transform stress-habits into health habits, get out of brain-based negative-feedback loops, and attain long-sought health and wellness goals.

The healthful purposes of guided imagery meditation are many:     

1. An easily accessible and lasting inner sense of peace and contentment that can help gracefully resolve stress-habits

2. Greater enjoyment of life through refined inner and outer perception

3. Emotional/mental/spiritual self-regulation and awareness to reduce unhealthy "comfort behavior"

4. Improved physical health via facilitation of the endocrine, immune, and autonomic nervous systems to “rest and restore” balanced function within the body

5. Development of strength, fortitude and equanimity in facing life’s twists, turns, and challenges in each moment



Within an AcuShén meditation session, acupuncture is employed as a supportive tool to deepen the experience and effects of meditation itself. Participants need not be ill or have a disease or disorder in order to participate and benefit. That said, meditation participants may indeed easily and gracefully begin to experience an improvement in their physical/mental health as a direct result of participating in an 8-week AcuShén session.