What can I expect to experience physically, mentally, and emotionally during an AcuShén session?
Most commonly participants report feeling very peaceful and easily relaxed. Sometimes people become sleepy and may doze off temporarily. This is fine. A little nap may be just what your body needs.
It is also possible to access latent or buried emotions during an AcuShén meditation session. Joy, laughter, sadness, grief, and even anger may rise to the surface to be released—sometimes this occurs quite unexpectedly and can be surprising to participants. However, this kind of emotional release is very natural and normal and need not be blunted or suppressed.
If you begin to have this kind of energetic emotional experience, focus your attention on your breath coming in and going out of your body. Feel the weight of your body in the chair and connecting with the ground beneath you. Then calmly let the emotion flow through you like a passing leaf on a gentle winding stream. And remember this easy motto: What we resist—will persist. So do your very best to simply experience, and then with acceptance—let go.
During each gathering, you may quickly nod "yes" twice in a row with eyes open to alert your practitioner that you need assistance. Your AcuShén practitioner or assistant will promptly come to you at your chair, where you will then be able to quietly and privately make your request for support.